June 23, 2014

Making sense out of savings with nickels, dimes and beer.

Millennials and Gen X alike might like to pull up a chair to some date night savings talk.

By averaging inflation rates and doing a little 1960’s research, we can find out what might be coming out of our post-retirement pockets for the usual burger, beer and movie night-out.
Putting the importance of savings into perspective, Chip Castille writes, “You will still be you in the future. Saving for retirement isn’t an abstract exercise. It’s making sure you can still do the things you enjoy even after you’ve stopped working. And the more your investment return outpaces inflation, the greater “discount” you can get on your future night out. You will be thanking yourself later.”
Castille is the Managing Director of the BlackRock US Retirement Group– read the rest of his article Millennials: Let’s Grab a Beer, Burger and a Movie. In 2064 here.


